Pro Plan - Make iPhone Apps

Unlimited access to 400+ iPhone app videos

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You can make an iPhone app

There are a million reasons to want to learn how to program iPhone apps, and now the tools to get started are available right on your computer. These courses have been used to teach everyone from high school students to college students and adults.

The Complete iPhone Course Bundle includes access to all of my iPhone app programming and design courses. You will be able to watch hundreds of easy to follow videos.

Starting with the basics, you will learn how to create your own iPhone app from start to finish.

Each course provides source code, best practices, and trouble shooting tips for when things go wrong.

Have an idea for an app you want to create?

You don't need to have programming experience to start learning—you just need passion and an idea.

Many entrepreneurs have built their apps without any prior experience.

Look at Foursquare: a massive company that started with an idea and an entrepreneur who took a leap of faith by building a prototype.

Using these iPhone courses, you will become an iPhone developer; an idea creator; a mobile designer.

Looking to switch careers or start a new hobby?

Technology jobs are in demand and there isn't enough talent to fill all of the jobs available. Learning to program can open many doors and job opportunities to you.

In particular, iPhone app programming skills are valuable and heavily requested, and companies are looking for skilled developers who can take an idea and turn it into an app.

On, for example, job openings in the US range from $50,000 - $130,000+ for iPhone app developers. Last month I received a job offer for a position that pays $90/hour.

Now is the time to start learning so you can prepare for your next job.

Want to stay ahead of the game?

Apple continues to make building apps easier than before.

Learn how to make apps with iOS 8 and learn the new programming language called Swift.

Enroll in the Course Bundle and you will learn everything that you need to sell your iPhone app on the App Store.


  • iPhone user interface design
  • Custom iPhone app skins
  • API server interaction
  • List and grid app layouts
  • Storyboard design and Auto Layout
  • Touch input and interaction
  • Web service integration
  • App beta testing
  • App Store submission

Languages and technologies

  • Xcode
  • Sketch
  • Swift programming language
  • Objective-C programming language
  • Facebook API
  • JSON

As a course subscriber, you'll get access to the best iPhone online courses and all of the newest materials.

If you want to start turning your great ideas into popular iPhone apps, sign up today!

Your Instructor

Paul Solt

Paul Solt has been teaching online courses for the past three years. Thousands of students have created their first, second, and third apps with Paul's expert instruction.

Paul has a Masters in Computer Science and has worked as an adjunct professor at RIT. He also writes for

Paul understands programming fundamentals and how to teach the essentials in an accessible manner, instead of overwhelming you with too much, too fast.

Courses Included with Purchase

iPhone Mastermind
Learn faster, get help, and inspire your peers through 24/7 live chat.
Paul Solt
Swift Tips
Quick video tutorials to save you time and introduce you to new features in Swift 2 and Xcode 7
Paul Solt
Super Easy iPhone Apps - Early Access
How to make iPhone apps with Swift 2, Xcode 7, and iOS 9
2 Course Bundle
Super Easy iPhone Apps
How to make iPhone apps with Swift 2, Xcode 7, and iOS 9
Paul Solt
Swift 2 and Swift 1.2 Updates and Changes
Learn how to keep your apps up to date
Paul Solt
Make Apps for Apple Watch
Create an app for the Apple Watch with Swift and Xcode
Paul Solt
Swift iPhone App Primer
Make your first iPhone app in 1 hour
Paul Solt
Real World Apps using Swift and iOS 8
Make and sell your app on the App Store
Paul Solt
iPhone Games with Sprite Kit in 31 Days
Make and Sell iPhone Games using Swift, Xcode, and Sprite Kit
1 Course Bundle
Swift and iOS 8 Apps in 31 Days
Build 16 iPhone apps from scratch using Xcode and Swift
1 Course Bundle
iOS 7: 5 - Skin Your iPhone App's User Interface with Sketch
Customize your iPhone App UI and Leverage Sketch 3 for App Designs
Paul Solt
iOS 7: 4 - Touch Gesture Input Will Make You Smile
Move it, swipe it, zoom it, tap it, rotate it.
Paul Solt
iOS 7: 3 - Custom Grid Layouts for Every App Design
Display any type of image, text, or media using scrolling grids
Paul Solt
iOS 7: 2 - iPhone App Programming in Objective-C (Project-based Learning)
Watch 40+ lectures, challenges, and screencast videos on a making an iPhone app from scratch.
Paul Solt
iOS 7: 1 - Make iPhone Apps in Objective-C (Beginner Course)
Watch 60+ lectures, challenges, and screencast videos
Paul Solt

Original Price: $2,089

Frequently Asked Questions

When do the courses start and finish?
You can start each course anytime. The courses are self-paced and you can learn as fast as you like.
How long do I have access to the courses?
You have access to all of the courses as long as you are a subscriber. All of the videos are DRM free. You can download and watch videos on any Mac, iPad, or iPhone. If you purchase a course for a one-time payment, you have unlimited access to that course.
Can I get a refund?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.


Paul is a wonderful instructor!

His course is really great at explaining things clearly, and in a way where you can apply it immediately instead of pure theory. Although it is structured for beginners, it increases in difficulty at a steady pace. I was finally able to complete one of my long desires; creating and publishing my app ableSpelling!

To top it all off, I just changed my career from a Quality Assurance Engineer to a full-time iOS Software Engineer! I definitely will continue to recommend Paul as a great resource to iOS development. Thank you for starting me on this journey!

- Rajee Jones

Paul's takes a real-world approach in teaching with simplified explanations using everyday language. The videos and courses are well paced and organized into effective daily lessons with practice challenges to test my understanding. With very little previous coding experience, I'm now able to see where I can use what I've learned to bring life to my new app ideas. Many thanks Paul.

-Rob Eickmeier

My app MyFamilyPics is now available on the app store :)
Thanks again for the training, it really helped to get started with iOS development. Now I will work on version 1.1 and I have some other app ideas... exciting stuff! Thanks again for your great course :)

- Francois Duchemin

Get started now!