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iPhone Games with Sprite Kit in 31 Days
Day 1 Lesson
1.0 Lecture - iPhone Game Course Introduction (0:44)
1.1 Lecture - Schedule and Learning Outcomes (0:44)
1.2 Lecture - Download and install Yosemite on your Mac (0:58)
1.3 Lecture - Download and install Xcode 6 (0:58)
1.4 Lecture - Download GarageBand for Music in your games (0:58)
1.5 Lecture - iOS Developer Program for game testing (1:49)
1.6 Tutorial - First iPhone Game Project (1:49)
1.7 Tutorial - Welcome to Xcode 6 and the iPhone Simulator (5:49)
1.8 Tutorial - Setup iOS Developer Program Account (5:49)
1.9 Bug Fix - Fixing iOS Developer Program Code Signing Issues in Xcode (4:42)
Course Video Downloads
1.10 Code Exercise - Xcode 101
1.11 Notebook Activity - Game Prototyping
Day 2 Lesson
2.1 Lecture - Starting the iPhone game with movement and images (1:40)
2.2 Tutorial - Add a spaceship as a SKSpriteNode to the screen (1:40)
2.3 Tutorial - Move the spaceship using a SKAction and CGPoint (1:40)
2.4 Tutorial - Add a background and center it (8:51)
2.5 Troubleshooting - Spotting common errors and searching Google for help (8:51)
2.6 Code Exercise - Moving a game character
2.7 Notebook Activity - Feedback and thoughts
Day 3 Lesson
3.1 Lecture - Creating an asteroid belt with random numbers (0:40)
3.2 Tutorial - Creating an asteroid belt (0:40)
3.3 Tutorial - Adding physics to the asteroid and starship (7:50)
3.4 Tutorial - Controlling asteroid creation with SKAction sequences (7:50)
3.5 Code Exercise - Asteroid customization
3.6 Notebook Activity
Day 4 Lesson
4.1 Lecture - Constant Player Speed (7:50)
4.2 Lecture - Player Movement using math and physics (9:18)
4.3 Tutorial - Implementing math functions in Swift (9:18)
4.4 Tutorial - Controlling the player speed and asteroid spawn rate (9:18)
4.5 Code Exercise - Tweaking gameplay constants
4.6 Notebook Activity
Day 5 Lesson
5.1 Lecture - Fixing physics bug and adding physics collisions (0:38)
5.2 Bug Fix - Cleaning up offscreen asteroids for faster performance (0:38)
5.3 Tutorial - Types of physics objects and collision bit masks (12:26)
5.4 Tutorial - Collision bit masks and score label (0:38)
5.5 Tutorial - Collision response score logic and z order (12:26)
5.6 Code Exercise - Score system
5.7 Notebook Activity
Day 6 - Game Challenge #1 - Random Asteroids and Gameplay
6.1 Lecture - Game Challenge 1 - Custom Gameplay (3:25)
6.2 Tutorial - Random numbers and random velocities (16:06)
6.3 Lecture - Using documentation to tweak gameplay logic (11:44)
6.4 Tutorial - Sharing your app challenge on the forum (7:13)
Day 7 - Game Challenge Results (submit your work on the forum!)
7.1 Lecture - Game Challenge 1 Demo (1:08)
7.2 Tutorial - Game Challenge 1 Solution - Walk Through (21:01)
7.3 - Game Challenge 1: Top Student Projects
Day 8 Lesson
8.1 Lecture - Add pause logic to your game (0:59)
8.2 Tutorial - Implementing pause and game layers (11:12)
8.3 Tutorial - Polishing the pause and resume logic (10:34)
8.4 Code Exercise - SKActions for idle pause animations
8.5 Notebook Activity
Day 9 Lesson
9.1 Lecture - Pause button with UIKit and UIButton (1:50)
9.2 Bug Fix - Fix the Score Performance and Refactor Resume Method (7:47)
9.3 Tutorial - Rotating and scaling your game scene and background images (14:37)
9.4 Tutorial - Create a pause button with UIButton (13:59)
9.5 Tutorial - Custom button images outlets and actions connections (14:14)
9.6 Tutorial - Supporting only portrait orientation (4:47)
9.7 Code Exercise - Buttons and UI
9.8 Notebook Activity
Swift 1.2 - language change
1.0 - Download Xcode 6 Beta from Apple
1.1 - Make Xcode 6 Beta open faster with GateKeeper
1.2 - Open Xcode Beta and learn about the changes to Xcode and Swift
1.3 - Convert a Sprite Kit game to Swift 1.2 with Xcode 6 beta
1.4 - Convert iPhone apps from Swift 1.1 to Swift 1.2 using Xcode
1.5 - Swift 1.2 improvements and code changes explained
Day 10 Lessons
10.1 Lecture - Add special effects to your games using particle effects
10.2 Tutorial - Convert a Swift 1.1 project to Swift 1.2 in 6 minutes
10.3 Tutorial - Make moving stars with the particle effects editor in Xcode
10.4 Tutorial - Use code to display and modify a star particle effect
10.5 Tutorial - Fix 3 bugs in your game and learn about SKNode layers
10.6 Tutorial - Create a rocket thruster particle effect in Swift
10.7 Tutorial - Adding the rocket thurster effect to the player ship
10.8 Tutorial - Alpha blending and compositing special effects with SKEffectNode
Day 11 Lessons
11.1 Lecture - Design a pause screen for your game
11.2 Tutorial - Design a Pause Screen for your game
11.3 Tutorial - Quickly test your iPhone screen UI on the iOS simulator and Xcode Preview
11.4 Tutorial - Quickly design adaptive layouts with Auto Layout for iPhone games
11.5 Tutorial - How to create a percentage based iOS layout in Xcode
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9.6 Tutorial - Supporting only portrait orientation
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